Dr. Mrinal Ranjan (HOD) (Faculty)


Dr. Mrinal Ranjan (HOD)

Assistant Professor,
Department of Electrical Engineering

8881523421   |   [email protected]

Ph.D ( National Institute of Technology, Patna)
M.Tech(Electrical Engineering), National Institute of Technology Hamirpur ,(HP)
B.Tech (Electrical And Electronics Engineering), Cochin University Science And Technology.
Subject Expertise
1.Basic Electronics
Solid state Physics devices
Modern Control Theory
Basic Electronics Lab.
Area Of Research
Smart Grid, Load Frequency control and cyber security in Smart Grid System, Renewable Energy, Power System Optimization
Professional Experience
12 years
Projects Executed
Multi-objective generation scheduling of a power system to reduce the effect on environment.
Economic Load Dispatch using classical methods.
List Of Publications
Paper published in International Journal:- MrinalRanjan, B.Vedik, Optimal location of facts devices by means of sensitivity analysis, International Journal of Applied Engineering research, volume 6 ,PN-2168-2171, ISSN 0973-4562.
Paper published in National Conference:- Mrinal Ranjan, Ravi Kumar, “Fuzzy satisfying Multi-Objective Short Hydro thermal scheduling by weight pattern search method” at SIT on 11-12, November2017.
Conference Attended (National/International)
Attended workshop on “Research Methodology” under TEQIP-III from 07-11th Jan 2019 at GCE Gaya.
Attended two days’ workshop on “Outcome Based Education(OBE)” under TEQIP-III from 24-25thoct, 2018 at VJTI Mumbai.
Participated in the MHRD, TEQIP-III KIET Activity at IIT Mumbai from 26-29thoct, 2018.
Attended Summer training program on active learning for senior faculty at IIT Kanpur, 2Jun-6Jun,2018.
Attended Two-day industrial tour of 7TH and 5thsem students at Power GRID, Bodh Gaya from 7 to 8th sept, 2018 has been organized by the department.
Workshop on MATLAB for Engineering Application,at-NIT Hamirpur,on 22nd March 2012.
Workshop on MATLAB and its Application in Engineering,at-NIT Hamirpur,on 25-26th September 2010.
Faculty Induction Development Programme at HITM, Agra from 10th July to 4th August. .
Seminar on Natural Language Processing at HCST,Agra on 25-29th July 2017
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