Dr. Alok Mishra (HOD) (Faculty)


Dr. Alok Mishra (HOD)

Department of Science and Humanities

9415029066   |   [email protected]

P.hD- LuckknoW University M.Sc -Lucknow University B.Sc -Lucknow University
Subject Expertise
Quantum Mechanics, Optics, Electromagnetism, special theory of relativity, Groundwater, Robotics, etc
Area Of Research
Low-energy satellites, Robotics, Groundwater etc
Professional Experience
23 years
Projects Executed
Two projects of the DST INSPIRE Scheme.
List Of Publications
1. Nearly 60 research papers published in journals of national and international repute 2. Guided 4 P.hD Thesis
Conference Attended (National/International)
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